
Friday, December 16, 2011


The difference between me at five and me now is that at five I didn't have much invested emotionally in the Universe being a certain way. Being "wrong" never was a concern. It was all learning. Now I keep reminding myself : In science there is no such thing as a failed experiment. Learning that I was testing simply does not work is actually a success.

I have found that I find a particular excitement in suddenly realizing I don't know the answer to something. It's like coming to the edge of a cliff in my mind.
In this space of "nothing" or not knowing, I get this intense feeling of anticipation. The reason I get excited is because I've come to the edge of what I know, and I realize that shortly an understanding will arrive in my head that will be staggering and will not have existed in me the moment before.
 It will be this huge ah-ha. I learned recently that an ah-ha stimulates the pleasure center of the brain---Evidently I'm addicted to this feeling.

You can never come to a conclusion about life. Life is an internal thing just as we are an internal thing.
We have to start searching for more meaning of what we are. Well the meaning of what we are has yet to be discovered by us.

In the mystic sense of the creation around us, in the expression of art, in a yearning toward God, the soul grows upward and find the fulfillment of some thing in planted in its nature....The pursuit of science (also) springs from a striving which the mind is implied to follow, a questioning that will not suppressed. Whether in the intellectual pursuit of science or in the mystical pursuit of the spirit, the light beckons ahead, and the purpose surging in our nature responds.


The riff between science and spirit affects us today because the scientists who are involve in this sort of debate know very little about the teaching of spirit. They simply take the characters that they find retailed from every pulpit throughout the land and take this as a scientific spirit when in fact it's only a version of the science of the spirit. And, unfortunately, the churchman don't know their science either, so the two sides are actually firing at cross targets. these are simply two complimentary ways of looking at reality.

                  MICEAL LEDWITH 

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