
Friday, March 23, 2012


The sparse rain that comes but once or twice a year
to much of the desert means the difference between
bounty and famine. In the year 640 CE, the rain did
not come to Arabia at all; the crops failed and the
people faced starvation. Tribes of Bedouins flocked
to Medina seeking help. Every one's survival depended
on the timely arrival of food carried by caravan over the
wide expanse of sand to the city.
              The sound of galloping horse was welcome noise
to the townspeople who knew it signaled that caravan was
in vicinity. And indeed a scout rode in to announce the
approach of Uthman ibn Affan's caravan of 1000 camels
loaded with food.
                With food no scarce, the owner of the caravan
could name any price for the goods carried. The other
merchants hurried to meet with Uthman, hoping to buy at
least part of the cargo. Even if they paid three times what
Uthman had paid, they could still get rich by reselling at
higher prices to desperately hungry people.
             The merchants were disappointed, but not too
surprised, when Uthman refused to sell, saying that he had
received a better offer. Since he was the most successful
merchant in the area, they had expected him to drive a
hard bargain.
              The next strategy the merchants tried was to join
together in order to match or better the offer Uthman had
received. But no matter what they suggested, even five times
the price he had paid for the food,Uthman still maintained
that he had received a better offer. The merchants puzzled
over this: who was better able to buy than they, and what
was this price they could not match?
              One of them asked, "Who has made you this offer,
and what exactly is it?"
Uthman smiled. "It is Allah, who promises me many times
 the value of my goods if I give them away for His sake."
              The merchant bowed their heads in shame, remembering
 that the Qur'an states: "Those who spend their wealth in the way
 of God are like a grain of corn. It grows seven ears and and
each ear has a hundred grains."
              The next morning Uthman's caravan was unloaded in the
middle of the market. His agent called out to the public:

                               Come one, come all,
                               this food is free;
                               a gift from Allah
                               to those in need.

Ref;Ayat Jamilah

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