One night in paradise good Gabriel heard
The Lord say: "I am here" and at His word
The came another voice which wept and prayed -
"Who knows whose voice this is?" the angel said,
"It comes from one, of this at least I'm sure,
Who has subdued the self, whose heart is pure."
But no one in the heavens knew the man,
And Gabriel swooped toward the earth to scan
The deserts, sea and mountains- far and wide
He searched, without success, until he cried
For God to lead his steps. "Seek him in Rome,"
God said. "A pagan temple is his home."
A worthless idol ruled his hopes and fears.
Astonished, Gabriel turned and said: "Tell me,
Dear Lord, the meaning of this mystery;
You answer with your kindness one who prays
Before a senseless idol all his days!"
And God replied: "He does not know our Way;
Mere ignorance has led this man astray-
I understand the cause of his disgrace
And will not coldly turn aside My face;
I shall admit him to My sanctuary
Where kindness will convert his blasphemy";
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