
Monday, July 30, 2012


-The smallest shark is the dwarf lantern shark.
  at just 20 cm long. It is so small that it could
  lie curled up in your hand.

-Walking fish: The tripod fish is one of the deepest-
  dwelling of all fish, found more than 6000 m below
  the surface. It 'walks' along the soft mud of the
  seabed on the long spines of its two lower side fins
  (pelvics) and lower tail. It probably eats small shrimp
  and similar shellfish.

-Insect Senses: Insect eyes are of two different types.
 Compound eyes, which are made up of many tiny lenses,
  are good at detecting movement. Simple eyes only register
  light and dark. An insect's antennae, or 'feelers', function as
 organs of touch, smell, and taste.

-pseudo scorpions often attach themselves to the legs of insects,
 such as house-flies, crane flies and beetles, to hitch rides.
 They can also walk backwards.


Sunday, July 29, 2012


Jesus on the lean donkey,
this is an emblem of how the rational intellect
should control the animal -soul.
                                    Let your spirit
be strong like Jesus.
                         If that part becomes weak,
than the worn-out donkey grow to a dragon.

Be grateful when what seems unkind
comes from a wise person.
                                      Once, a holy man,
riding his donkey, saw a snake crawling into
a sleeping man's mouth! He hurried, but he couldn't
prevent it. He hit the man several blows with his club.

The man woke terrified and ran beneath an apple tree
with many rotten apples on the ground.
You miserable wretch! Eat."
                                            "Why are you doing this to me?"
"Eat more, you fool."
                                "I've never seen you before!
Who are you? Do you have some inner quarrel with my soul?"

The wise man kept forcing him to eat, and then he ran him.
For hours he whipped the poor man and made him run.
Finally, at nightfall, full of rotten apples,
fatigued, bleeding, he fell
                                     and vomited everything,
the good and the bad, the apples and the snake.

When he saw the ugly snake
come out himself, he fell on his knees
before his assailant.
                             "Are you Gabriel? Are you God?

I bless the moment you first noticed me. I was dead
and didn't know it. You've given me a new life.
Everything I've said to you was stupid!
I didn't know."
                         "If I had explained what I was doing,
you might have panicked and died of fear.
Muhammad said,
                           'If I describe the enemy that lives
inside men, even the most courageous would be paralyzed. No one
would go out, or do any work. No one would pray and fast,
and all power to change would fade
from human beings,'
                                so I kept quite
while I was beating you, that like David
I might shape iron, so that, impossibly,
I might put feathers back into a bird's wing.

God's silence is necessary, because of humankind's
faintheartedness. If had told you about the snake,
you wouldn't have been able to eat, and if
you hadn't eaten, you wouldn't have vomited.

I saw your condition and drove my donkey hard
into the middle of it, saying always under my breath,
'Lord, make it easy on him.' I wasn't permitted
to tell you, and I wasn't permitted to stop
beating you!"
                   The healed man, still kneeling,
"I have no way to thank you for the quickness
of your wisdom and the strength
of your guidance.
                          God will thank you."


Thursday, July 26, 2012


-Some hot springs have superheated water.
 The water is under such great pressure as
 it spurts from cracks in the rock, that is hotter
 than boiling. Yet some tiny life-forms called
 bacteria can live in it.

-On a hot, sunny day, the water in a rock pool
 can reach more than 50 degree centigrade. Yet
 in winter it can be almost freezing. Rock pool
 animals must be very tough to withstand such

-The biggest pearl was found in a giant clam and
 was 12 cm across. One oyster had eight small
 pearls inside,

-The giant squid has the largest eyes of any animal.
 They are up to 40 cm across- about the size of a
 soccer ball.



Tuesday, July 24, 2012


'Why do people go through life looking for happiness?
Dogs and cats look for food and comfort, but they
certainly don't go to all the trouble that people do in
their continual search for happiness. I suppose the reason
 is that we are the only ones who can align ourselves
with the hado of happiness.
      Many years ago, I had a discussion with Dr. Ravi Batra,
a well-known international economist, and he said something
that has stuck with me:

          "Why do you think people continually search
            for happiness? The reason is because we
            people have a link to unlimited existence. But
            many of us make a serious mistake. We set up
            conditions for happiness based on riches and
            fame, momentary pleasures, and things that are
            limited and always changing.
               There are those who are rich beyond most
                of our imaginations, and yet they continue
                to want more as they strive in vain to find
                happiness. The reason it's in vain is because
                they are looking to find unlimited happiness
                in limited money and riches.
                    Unless we can become one with the
                 unlimited existence, we will never find true
                 happiness. This requires that we raise our

      All that can be seen with a human eye is of this limited
world.Sooner or later, the material trappings will end, and
as long as that is how we define happiness, our hearts will
always feel hollow.
         Of coursee I understand that casting aside all desire
is not possible or even advisable. In fact, desire is not
what's preventing us from finding happiness. An appropriate
amount of desire is needed to make people strive for something
better, and it's what made it possible for human society to
rise to its current level. The problem arises when we become
slaves of our desires.----
      When you align your soul with the hado of appreciation
and love, a small drop of happiness will seep into your heart
and spread throughout your body. This will link you to the
vibration of happiness, and happiness will become a part of
your daily life. And this is the secret for finding happiness
right now wherever you are.


Monday, July 23, 2012


----Life  is not all happiness. As long as there is life,
there will be sadness. All our high hopes can be easily
deflated, but another way to look at this is to realize
that unhappiness is the path on the way to happiness.
     We exposed water to the words "Happiness" and
"Unhappiness". As expected, the the water exposed to
"happiness" formed beautiful round crystals that would
make a precious ring. But what about crystals formed
from water exposed to "unhappiness"? We expected to
find deformed and broken crystals, but the crystals were
rather beautiful hexagonal crystals that looked like they
had been cut in half. It looked as if the water was trying
its best to form crystals. It would seem, then, that
unhappiness is not really the opposite of happiness.
Unhappiness, in fact, is the process required for the
creation of happiness.
            Happiness and unhappiness are like two ends
of the same rope, and sometimes you hold one end of
the rope and everything goes your way, and other times
you have the other end of the rope and nothing goes
your way.
          Such is life. We all want to be happy every day
and never have to experience sadness. How unnatural
that would be! Like the waves that rise and fall, if water
never falls, then it could never rise or flow ahead.----
-----You can never own only one side of a coin. If you
want to find happiness, then you have to be ready to accept
what comes with it. Such is fate of all those who live in this
        But we can still have hope and look forward to the future.
In fact, do you think you would be able to have hope if
everything went exactly as you wanted it to? Your ability
to be happy no matter what and no matter when depends
entirely on what's going on in your heart.


Sunday, July 22, 2012


-One species of cockroach can go for about 3 months
without eating, surviving off its body fat.It can even live
for 40 days with neither food nor water.

-The bombardier beetle can twist the end of its abdomen
to squirt a boiling, irritating liquid in almost any direction.
The liquid evaporates immediately it is sprayed. Forming
a gas that briefly blind the enemy and enables the bombardier
beetle to run away.

-Most cicadas are the loudest of all insects. The song of some
species can be heard more than 400 miles away.The sound of
thousand's of cicadas in a single tree can be louder than a
pneumatic drill.

-Many flowers have patterns of lines on them that reflect
ultraviolet light. Although the patterns are not visible to the
human eye, these 'honey guides' direct bees and other insect
to the nector.

-Worker honeybees communicate the location of food to the
rest of the hive by 'dancing'. The dances may be circular or
in a figure of eight (8), accompanied by waggles of the abdomen
and high-pitched buzzing.

-Ant communicate with the help of their feelers (antennae).
which are sensitive to touch and scent. They also leave scent
trails behind them to let the other ants know exactly where to
find the food source.Each ant colony has a unique smell that
helps the members to identify each other. This also helps the
ants to detect an intruder in the nest.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


-You cannot consume beyond your appetite. The other
 half of the loaf belongs to the other person, and there
should remain a little bread for the chance guest.

-Generosity is not in giving me that which I need more than
you do, but it is in giving me that which you need more than
I do.

-You are indeed charitable when you give, and while giving,
turn your face away so that you may not see the shyness of
the receiver.

-You may judge others only according to your knowledge
of yourself. Tell me now, who among us is guilty and who
 is unguilty?

-You cannot judge any man beyond your knowledge of him,
and how small is your knowledge.

-How mean am I when life gives me gold and I give you silver,
and yet I dream myself generous.


Friday, July 20, 2012


-Arthropods have paired limbs, which can be specialized
as legs; pincers, paddles or almost any other form.

- On a warm day, a large oak tree takes up about 1140 l
of water from the soil. As much as 98% of this water is lost
through the tree's leaves by evaporation.

-The Arctic poppy is the flower that blooms the nearest to
North pole.

- The world grows enough wheat in a year to fill a line of
trucks stretching a quarter of the way to the Moon.

-  A drug made from the Madagascar periwinkle, a perennial
plant, helps children to fight the cancer leukemia.

- Male seahorses have the babies. They don't exactly give birth,
but they store the eggs in a pouch on their belly. When the eggs
are ready to hatch, a stream of miniature seahorses billows out
from the Male's pouch.

-In some tropical swamps the water can be more than 40 degree
Centigrade far too hot for us to bathe in. Decaying plants make
the water acidic- it would rot our clothes in a couple of days.
Yet fish and other creatures live here.



Thursday, July 19, 2012


-Early fish were the first animals to have brains in their heads.
Other creatures had nerve connections and sensory organs
spread around their body. Or concentrated in more than one

-Flying reptiles had hollow bones; so that their bodies were
as light as possible. This means that their bones become
fossilized only rarely- usually when they fell into a lake or sea.

-Together, the world's plants produce a combined total of about
150 billion tonnes of sugar each year by photosynthesis.

-Venus fly-trap (plant) sometimes catch small frogs, and the rajah
pitcher (plant) is said to eat mice.

-The deadly nightshade plant is poisonous to humans, but birds and
rabbits can eat it without harm.

-Some lotus seeds have sprouted after being in a dormant (resting)
state for 400 years.


Friday, July 13, 2012


The Prophet Muhammad said,
                                     "There is no better companion
on this way what you do. Your actions will be
your best friend, or if you're cruel and selfish,
your actions will be a poisonous snake
that lives in your grave."

                                     But tell me,
can you do the good work without a teacher?
Can you even know what it is without the presence
of a Master? Notice how the lowest livelihood
requires some instruction.

                                       First comes knowledge,
then the doing of the job.And much later,
perhaps after you're dead, something grows
from what you're done.

                                  Look for help and guidance
in whatever craft you're learning. Look for a generous
teacher, one who has absorbed the tradition he's in.

Look for pearl in oyster shells.
Learn technical skill from a craftsman.

Whenever you meet genuine spiritual teachers,
be gentle and polite and fair with them.
Ask them questions, and be eager
for answers. Never condescend.

If a master tanner wears an old, threadbare smock,
that doesn't diminish his mastery.

If  a fine blacksmith works at the bellows
in a patched apron, it doesn't affect
how he bends the iron.

                               Strip away your pride,
and put on humble clothes.
                                If you want to learn theory,
talk with theoreticians. That way is oral.

When you learn a craft, practice it.
That learning comes through the hands.

If you want dervishhood, spiritual poverty,
and emptiness, you must be friends with a sheikh.

Talking about it, reading books, and doing practices
don't help. Soul receives from soul that knowing.

The mystery of spiritual emptiness
may be living in a pilgrim's heart, and yet
the knowing of it may not yet be his.

Wait for the illuminating openness,
as though your chest were filling with light,
as when God said,
                           'did we not expand you?'
                                                      (Qur'an 94:1)

Don't look for it outside yourself.
You are the source of milk. Don't milk others!

There is a milk fountain inside you.
Don't walk around with a empty bucket.

You have a channel into the ocean, and yet
you ask for water from a little pool.

Beg for that love expansion. Meditate only
on THAT. The Qur'an says,
                                           'And He is with you'

There is a basket of fresh bread on your head,
and yet you go door to door asking for crusts.
Knock on your inner door. No other.
Sloshing knee-deep in fresh riverwater, yet
you keep wanting a drink from other people's waterbags.

Water is everywhere around you, but you see only
barriers that keep you from water.
The horse is beneath the rider's thighs, and still
he asks, "Where's my horse?"

                                Right there under you!"Yes, this is a horse, but where's the horse?"
                                   Can't you see!
"Yes, I can see, but whoever saw such a horse?"

Mad with thirst, he can't drink from the stream
running so close by his face. He's like a pearl
on the deep bottom, wondering, inside his shell,
where's the ocean?
                               His mental questionings
form the barrier. His physical eyesight
bandages his knowing. Self-consciousness
plugs his ears.
                      Stay bewildered in God,
and only that.
                     Those of you who are scattered,
simplify your worrying lives. There is one
righteousness: Water the fruit trees,
and don't water the throne. Be generous
to what nurtures the spirit and God's luminous
reason-light. Don't honor what causes
dysentery and knotted-up tumors.

Don't feed both sides of yourself equally.
The spirit and the body carry different loads
and require different attentions.
                                          Too often
we put saddlebags on Jesus and let the donkey
run loose in the pasture.
                                Don't make the body do
what the spirit does best, and don't put a big load
on the spirit that the body could carry easily.



Monday, July 2, 2012


"-----Plants, you must know, live upside down. Their heads point towards the center of the earth,
their bottoms to the circling spheres. Man is just the opposites. His head is in the heavens, and his
feet point to the earth's center, wherever he stands on the earth's surface- north, south,east, or west-
and whichever way he faces. Animals are in between, neither upside-down like plants nor right-side-up
like man.Rather, their heads face one way, horizontally, and their tails the other, as they turn this way
and that and go about theur business.
      This order or scale of plants, animals, and humans, as we've described it, is divinely ordained, an
expression of God's wisdom and sovereign providence, a sign and a testimony for all with eyes to see,
who ponder the mysteries of creation. All who probe the true natures of things and scan the horizon to
learn from the portents they find there will see that the power of the Universal Soul shed their influence
on the world from the highest circling sphere to the deep core of the earth.Some flow straight down from
the outermost sphere to the earth's center, some return from the center, rising towards the encircling sphere,
and some are broadcast in all directions across the heavens. Every ray is filled with God's hosts, charged with preserving the world and managing its creatures, governing the whole, and other tasks whose inmost
working are known but to God, exalted be He.------"