
Monday, July 23, 2012


----Life  is not all happiness. As long as there is life,
there will be sadness. All our high hopes can be easily
deflated, but another way to look at this is to realize
that unhappiness is the path on the way to happiness.
     We exposed water to the words "Happiness" and
"Unhappiness". As expected, the the water exposed to
"happiness" formed beautiful round crystals that would
make a precious ring. But what about crystals formed
from water exposed to "unhappiness"? We expected to
find deformed and broken crystals, but the crystals were
rather beautiful hexagonal crystals that looked like they
had been cut in half. It looked as if the water was trying
its best to form crystals. It would seem, then, that
unhappiness is not really the opposite of happiness.
Unhappiness, in fact, is the process required for the
creation of happiness.
            Happiness and unhappiness are like two ends
of the same rope, and sometimes you hold one end of
the rope and everything goes your way, and other times
you have the other end of the rope and nothing goes
your way.
          Such is life. We all want to be happy every day
and never have to experience sadness. How unnatural
that would be! Like the waves that rise and fall, if water
never falls, then it could never rise or flow ahead.----
-----You can never own only one side of a coin. If you
want to find happiness, then you have to be ready to accept
what comes with it. Such is fate of all those who live in this
        But we can still have hope and look forward to the future.
In fact, do you think you would be able to have hope if
everything went exactly as you wanted it to? Your ability
to be happy no matter what and no matter when depends
entirely on what's going on in your heart.


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