
Sunday, July 22, 2012


-One species of cockroach can go for about 3 months
without eating, surviving off its body fat.It can even live
for 40 days with neither food nor water.

-The bombardier beetle can twist the end of its abdomen
to squirt a boiling, irritating liquid in almost any direction.
The liquid evaporates immediately it is sprayed. Forming
a gas that briefly blind the enemy and enables the bombardier
beetle to run away.

-Most cicadas are the loudest of all insects. The song of some
species can be heard more than 400 miles away.The sound of
thousand's of cicadas in a single tree can be louder than a
pneumatic drill.

-Many flowers have patterns of lines on them that reflect
ultraviolet light. Although the patterns are not visible to the
human eye, these 'honey guides' direct bees and other insect
to the nector.

-Worker honeybees communicate the location of food to the
rest of the hive by 'dancing'. The dances may be circular or
in a figure of eight (8), accompanied by waggles of the abdomen
and high-pitched buzzing.

-Ant communicate with the help of their feelers (antennae).
which are sensitive to touch and scent. They also leave scent
trails behind them to let the other ants know exactly where to
find the food source.Each ant colony has a unique smell that
helps the members to identify each other. This also helps the
ants to detect an intruder in the nest.

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