-Arthropods have paired limbs, which can be specialized
as legs; pincers, paddles or almost any other form.
- On a warm day, a large oak tree takes up about 1140 l
of water from the soil. As much as 98% of this water is lost
through the tree's leaves by evaporation.
-The Arctic poppy is the flower that blooms the nearest to
North pole.
- The world grows enough wheat in a year to fill a line of
trucks stretching a quarter of the way to the Moon.
- A drug made from the Madagascar periwinkle, a perennial
plant, helps children to fight the cancer leukemia.
- Male seahorses have the babies. They don't exactly give birth,
but they store the eggs in a pouch on their belly. When the eggs
are ready to hatch, a stream of miniature seahorses billows out
from the Male's pouch.
-In some tropical swamps the water can be more than 40 degree
Centigrade far too hot for us to bathe in. Decaying plants make
the water acidic- it would rot our clothes in a couple of days.
Yet fish and other creatures live here.
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